The PRx Process:
How Things Work


Ready to see the “real you” looking back in the mirror? Then it’s time to take action.

The Performance Prescription is a 100% personalized plan that can help you tap into your body’s true potential for optimal health and performance.

How do things work? After an initial 90-minute conversation, we’ll have a clear plan of action that will allow us to constructively collaborate on setting bi-weekly goals to fuel both your motivation and momentum. We’ll spend an hour together every other week. On the off-weeks, we’ll set aside 30 minutes to find answers to your questions, address any outstanding concerns, and define a clear focus for our next, hour-long session.

Along the way to achieving your goals, you’ll discover the obstacle-eliminating solutions you need to eat, move, and live well—now and for many years to come.

Because the Performance Prescription isn’t based on any “magic diet” or one-size-fits-all solution, the specific details of your program will be determined by your unique needs and goals. In addition to creating a nutritional game plan, the topics of stress management, lifestyle choices, sleep and recovery strategies will probably all be explored.

And in the process, I can almost guarantee that you’ll uncover a stash of hidden strengths you didn’t know you had!

What’s the cost? Click on the button below to schedule a free, 30-minute consultation. I’ll fill you in on all the details when we talk. But based on the feedback I’ve received, the results are a real bargain. Participating in this 12-week program has been a game-changing decision for many active, health-minded women—just like you!

Program Benefits

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Stronger Immunity

When your body is in balance, you’ll be more resistant to common viral and bacterial infections. If you do come down with a cold or the flu, you’ll bounce back faster with a lot less down time.


Resistance to Injury

A fully nourished body will not only recover quicker and more completely, it will be much less prone to illness and injury. Use your personal Performance Prescription to eat, move, and live well!

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Improved Performance

Optimizing your macro and micro nutrient intake can have a significant and lasting impact on your strength, energy, and endurance; mood, motivation, and focus.

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Greater Energy

Tapping into your body's innate ability to burn fat as a smooth, reliable, and slow-burning source of energy will result in a wide range of tangible health and performance benefits.

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More Restful Sleep

Dietary and lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on the quality of your sleep. Optimizing your ability to fall and stay asleep will allow you to wake refreshed and ready to seize the day!

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Less Stress

Removing performance-draining foods and chronic forms of physical and mental stress from your day-to-day life will give you more firepower, right when you need it the most.

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Fewer Food Cravings

Cravings for sweet and/or starchy foods is a sign that your body may be out of balance. Making a few, simple adjustments can help you drastically reduce or completely eliminate them.

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Better Digestion

Reducing or eliminating your intake of any offending foods can kickstart your sluggish, irregular, or difficult digestion and reduce both gas and bloating for improved nutrient absorption.